Day: July 5, 2022

6 Ways to Keep Pets Safe From Internal Parasites6 Ways to Keep Pets Safe From Internal Parasites

You may help prevent your dog from internal parasites by keeping your yard feces-free and avoiding allowing your dog to drink standing water. Don’t let their small size deceive you: internal parasites may be little, but they may wreak havoc on your pet’s health. Heartworms, intestinal worms (such as roundworms, hookworms, and whipworms), and protozoa (single-celled) parasites like coccidia and Giardia are the most prevalent internal pet parasites.

Tips for Controlling Your Pet’s Internal Parasites

Some of these parasites may cause life-threatening infections if left untreated. Here are seven easy measures to keeping your pet parasite-free.

1. Speak with your veterinarian.

Inquire with your veterinarian about the parasites that are prevalent in your region. Certain internal parasites are less of a worry in certain sections of the nation, while others need year-round protection. 

Your veterinarian that does veterinary surgery in Laguna Woods will be able to advise you on what to look out for based on your region, how these parasites may be spread to your pet, and prescribe the best preventative products.

2. Be watchful for indicators of disease.

Some parasite-infected dogs exhibit no indications of sickness. That is why frequent testing and prevention are critical. When indications develop, it is helpful to know what to look for. Although not all parasites produce the same illness symptoms in dogs, the most frequent symptoms include diarrhea, vomiting, lack of appetite, and blood in your pet’s feces. 

Coughing and trouble breathing are symptoms of heartworms. If you see any of these symptoms in your pet, contact your veterinarian immediately to discover why.

3. Administer preventative medicines to your pet.

Many of these intestinal parasites may be prevented with a few inexpensive drugs. Many veterinarians advise providing these cat and dog vaccination and parasite prevention meds all year. Even while you’re on vacation, consistency is crucial. If you skip a few doses, see your veterinarian.

4. Maintain a feces-free yard.

Good cleanliness is one of the most effective strategies to limit your pet’s exposure risk to parasites. That involves cleaning up after your dog – all canine excrement in your yard should be cleaned up since most intestinal parasites are transferred via contact with feces. 

Because certain parasites may remain in the soil for a long period, a fecal-contaminated yard can be a source of exposure for many months. See here to learn more about it.

5. Have your veterinarian do a fecal check regularly.

Bring a new sample of your pet’s feces every year (or every six months for certain dogs) when you see your veterinarian for a checkup. This sample may be tested for parasites by your veterinarian. Intestinal parasites are especially dangerous to young dogs. 

If you have a new puppy or kitten, bring a feces sample to the initial veterinarian visit. This will assist your pet get started to a good start. This is vital information that you should relay to your veterinarian.

6. Do not allow your dog to consume excrement.

Eating feces is a great method to take up parasites since many parasitic worms are shed into an animal’s excrement. It is critical to keep your pet from ingesting feces by quickly disposing of the waste or walking your dog on a leash while in an area where fecal matter from other animals may be accessible.


Standing water is an ideal breeding area for Giardia, a parasite that may cause severe diarrhea. Never allow your pet to drink from standing water or puddles, and always give your pet a clean, fresh supply of water to help prevent him from seeking water elsewhere. Protecting your pet from internal parasites is essential to keep him healthy and happy. All it takes is an effort to keep these little pests from bothering your pet.

The Indicators of a Need for a Hearing ExamThe Indicators of a Need for a Hearing Exam

How often should your hearing be checked? Many of us have pondered this very thing at some point. A hearing test is a crucial aspect of your overall health examination. Hearing loss can lead to social isolation, despair, and a decreased quality of life. Failure to address hearing issues might result in auditory deprivation and a lower likelihood of acclimating to hearing aids. In the long run, this may cause frustration at home and work and less contact with friends and loved ones.

Signs You Need a Hearing Test

You may not know what a healthy ear should hear, making it difficult to diagnose hearing loss. Consider getting your hearing checked by Halifax hearing specialists if you have any of these symptoms.

You turn up the volume on the stereo or TV.

This one is simple to spot because it’ll be obvious if you’ve started cranking up the volume on your gadgets. If this is only a rare occurrence, it could be due to the lower output of the broadcast. However, if you find that you need to increase the volume every day, it could be a sign of an ear problem. You must seek medical attention from practices like Seaside Hearing, even if it’s simply a wax accumulation.

Difficulty understanding speech.

Sometimes you just have to ask someone to repeat themselves. On the other hand, if you find yourself doing this regularly, especially if you ask several individuals, it could be a sign of hearing loss that might require hearing aid services. A further warning sign is having trouble comprehending people when there is a lot of noise in the background. Another issue is difficulties with consonants.

Using your neck or body to hear.

You may have hearing loss in one ear if you have to turn your head or move your body to listen to something. Similarly suspicious is the practice of cupping one’s ear to muffle outside sounds. Both of these measures may be beneficial in the near term. However, ongoing degradation will likely reach a point when treatment is no longer useful.

Unanswered phone calls, doorbells, or alarms.

Hearing loss can sometimes emerge as an inability to hear specific pitches and tones. Missed phone calls, home visitors, and items such as auto alarms are all common problems. Hearing loss is most likely at the root of the problem if any of these become recurring concerns. Similarly, if you no longer hear birdsong and other natural components on your daily walks, it could be due to an ear condition.

Conversations drain your energy.

Many patients would strain to hear others during talks without realizing it. Some strategies include leaning in closer, focusing on them instead of the noise around you, or reading their lips. Hearing loss is only one of several symptoms that can accompany tiredness. An audiologist can test for difficulties and resolve them in some way. So, if any other symptoms accompany your sleepiness, it’s wise to schedule an appointment.


A hearing exam should not be a dreadful experience. While learning that you’ve had hearing loss for a long time can be upsetting, it’s always better to concentrate on coping with it now rather than having an accident due to it later. A certified audiologist will conduct your hearing test professionally and ensure that you have all the information and guidance you require to understand your condition and the degree of your hearing loss.